Wednesday, April 24, 2024
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Donations for Braille Bibles

Category: Braille

You can support the production of braille bibles and books by donating to Compass Braille using one of the following methods :

Cheque (payable to 'Compass Braille'); CAF vouchers; Stewardship; Standing Order; Legacy; Give as You Earn or Gift Aid (if applicable). If you wish you can designate your donation to a project. A Bible portion costs £9.50 to produce - we can produce portions of the Bible, complete Bibles or Christian Books in any quantity.
[If you should want to buy a Braille Bible please contact us].

Monthly, or other regular donations really help and are easily set up - just contact us for a Direct Debit form. For further information please feel free to CONTACT US

Donations to Compass Braille via PayPal
have been paused temporarily

Registered Charity Number: 292625


Donations Menu

Equal Access

Our policy is to offer EQUAL ACCESS to people with visual disabilities.

If you produce or use Christian literature for overseas programmes we can help.

To discuss the possibilities, please contact us:

+44(0)1858 438260

Email Contact


Braille Production:
We rely heavily on volunteers from local churches who come into the Press to help produce Bibles and Christian Books in Braille.

More information for


Compass Braille has relied on a volunteer force since its inception, without them the work would not have been possible.

If you would like to help please get in touch
